An Introduction
In The Studio | Happy Friday, Folks!
We’d like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Katie Mallory & Brent Schuettpelz!
Katie started with rba in October of 2019 as a part-time designer. Recognizing quickly her awesome talent, it didn’t take us long to invite her to join our team full time! Katie’s role as Project Designer/Interior Designer has made her invaluable to rba. Katie is a go-getter, approaches all challenges with a smile, she’s fun & friendly, always open to learning (she has a mind like a sponge), she has a great sense of humor, wonderfully quirky, she keeps things lively in the studio, and she is one heck of a designer! Katie is married & has two beautiful three year old twin girls. Brent joined our team six months ago. Brent has spent much of his career in commercial architecture, but he has been interested in pursuing, exploring & learning the speciality of residential architecture. He enjoys being involved in projects, from beginning to end, and all the “fun things” in between. Brent’s commercial background is a wonderful asset that has blended beautifully to our world of residential design. We are thrilled Brent, Project Designer, joined rba. Brent is one “cool” dude! He is calm in his countenances, kind, friendly, level headed, dry witted, creative, knowledgeable, and a great guy all around. Brent is married & has a sweet little two year old boy. Katie & Brent assumed leadership roles while Ron was laid low by Covid. They have done a terrific job of keeping our projects moving forward. Katie & Brent, You Rock! Now for some fun trivia. Katie & Brent share the same day of birth. From now on it is a bonus, for hiring purposes, if your birthday falls on April 9th!
